Independent Living
Perfect if you’re looking to simplify life so you can focus more time with family, friends, hobbies, traveling, and other activities.
Perfect if you’re looking to simplify life so you can focus more time with family, friends, hobbies, traveling, and other activities.
Perfect if you’re concerned for the health, safety, or social activity of a loved one and want to enjoy a closeness without the worry and stress.
Need dedicated personalized care? At River Meadows, we offer assisted living options for seniors who need extra care while still preserving independence and dignity.
You have specific needs and desires. Our first priority is always understanding your unique circumstances and needs so we can help you create a new home you love… a place where you can flourish.
We offer health care and other services including personal grooming, medication management, and more. You can feel at peace knowing your loved one is receiving competent 24/7 care.
At River Meadows, We offer a unique senior living experience with our cottages. There are several floor plans available so personal taste and preference can be accounted for as well.
Let us take care of the chores so you can do more of what you enjoy. River Meadows is the only Utah County Senior Living Community with separate homelike cottages.
What do you like to do? Where do you like to go? We give residents options and flexibility to choose from a variety of daily activities, off-site outings, social events, and more!
24/7 Care - 11:1 Assisted Living Care Ratio Average - Average Response Under 4 min. - Medical Transportation
Executive Chef - Premium Quality Ingredients - Unique Dietary Considerations - 3 Meals Daily (Free Delivery)
On-site Church Service - Weekly Outings - Daily Activities - Onsite Transportation - Onsite Performances